Tuesday, October 4, 2016


I had absolutely no memory of having created the image. Suddenly, my eye was attracted to it. It took on new meaning here. It is not so much the form of the figure which counts for me, nor even the colour, it is the memory of freedom in the gesture. There was no preconception, no cahier de charges, nothing more than a gesture.

I suppose it was the term "vagabondage" which connected.

"Un droit que bien peu d'intellectuels se soucient de revendiquer, c'est le droit à l'errance, au vagabondage. Et pourtant, le vagabondage, c'est l'affranchissement, et la vie le long des routes, c'est le liberté."

 Ecrits sur le sable 1988, Isabelle Eberhardt

I need those stolen moments of peace, where my mind is free to wander.

I find a quote of Baudelaire:

"Glorifier le vagabondage et ce qu'on peut appeler le Bohémianisme, culte de la sensation multipliée, s'exprimant par la musique." 
Journaux intimes, 1887, Mon coeur mis à nu, Charles Baudelaire.

I still see the fields racing by, I struggle to hold onto the beauty in the light, there was too much to take in. I had had just enough presence of mind to point my smartphone at the window, to capture what I might.  It was only later that I started to really look and breathe in those fields racing by.

"How might those racing fields talk with other images?" I mused.  I scanned the images on my phone and then came to a halt. Two leapt out. I suppose it was the architectural quality which I liked, to contrast with racing nature.

I fused the images together, played with various versions and put them together in a Steller collection.

On looking at the images, I moved to Thumbjam. What sounds would tie together the images? After a few experiments, I kept coming back to the harmonica. It was that sound which would tell the story. Playing as simply as possible with the sound, I settled on some sort of melody.  I took it with me to iMovie and started editing. There is so much to  learn messing with sound, image, darkness, silence.

        "All human beings are also dream beings. Dreaming ties all mankind together."

Jack Kerouac

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